Saturday, May 28, 2011 | 6:26 PM | 0 comments
Man last night was a blast from the boys!They went to Putrajaya's National Youth Day to perform their last night.Whoa I can't believe that I would be able to see them LIVE with my own eyes.Well,I was at the back at first but then I went a bit at the front and yeah i could only see the big screen and the boys a little.
But still,it's a very good night for me!So glad my mom agreed to take me there!Saranghae a million times mom!Thank you very much for the taking me to the concert last night.^_^
The boys are very cute!!!!Henry was totally cute!!!Kyuhyun was...whoa like hot there!with his sweaty face.Ryeowook was cuteee just like Henry.Sungmin and Zhoumi..wow just hot.I'm running out of words to describe the boys now ehehhe....it's because there are many words to describe for the boys ya know???
The 1st song they sing is Blue Tomorrow and then their solo's and Super Girl.No,there are many other songs that thery sing besides that but I went out early so yeah eheheh...sorry guys.That's all for now..see ya!